Sunday, May 8, 2016

It's okay to cry

The last few months I've felt a little off. I can't say that I'm not happy, or that I'm sad. I just feel like maybe something is missing, or I should be happier. Those are close, but don't bring to justice that things just plain feel different in my life.

Different doesn't have to be bad, it's more accepting my new situations. My full-time job, going in to work early, and leaving early, actually have a solid night sleep without someone waking me up 6 to 8 times a night.  It's just different.

I read the daily paper and it said a line that gave me permission to feel as emotionally confused as I feel.

The line simply said that after a crisis is over it's okay to cry.  Honestly most of the last few months I've shed more tears at little things at church, or feeling gratitude driving to work or tying to fall asleep.

It's okay to cry and feel all the stuff I could only react to at this time last year.

That's why my happy feels different, my sad feels different, and everything in between feel different. They all feel different because I'm different and that's okay.

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