Tuesday, May 10, 2016

A Rite of Passage

My son turns 12 in less than six months. I has this horrible thought that my in-laws might buy him a gun for his birthday. This thought wasn't far off. After wanting to find out from my Sister-in-law what my in-laws gave the two oldest nephews I decided I needed to handle this fear head on and ask my mother-in-law directly.

My thoughts were not far off. When the grandsons turn 12 Grandpa tells them if they earn their Eagle scout award he will buy a "nice" gun as their present. He's purchased two that are sitting in the family gun safe. I told my mother-in-law that we would need to come up with something different for my house.  My son doesn't even know of the gun tradition, and as much as I like shooting, more guns cannot enter my home.

Why do we even need to bribe my son to earn his Eagle in the first place? Does Grandpa and Grandma even care that my daughter will not be earning an Eagle? Would they buy a gun for the Young Woman medallion?

I may not know what the new tradition will be for my son, but at least I spoke up, even if it wasn't directly.

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