Sunday, May 8, 2016

Into the meet an old boyfriend

I've never loved Act II of the play Into the Woods. I haven't watched the updated Disney Movie, and I don't plan on it. I usually avoid the show.  I like the premise of Act II that getting what you want isn't always what you think it should be, or even the thought that life isn't always happily ever after.

We received news from the doctor yesterday that I was still living a "not so happily ever after." My husband's liver isn't functioning as it should be, so today we spent time doing blood work to find out if he has a form of Hepatitis. He will be having more tests ran on Tuesday and are in the waiting game.

My husband took the news as a slap in the face. He's doing better mentally and physically but shut down from the news. He understandably felt overwhelmed and upset and called into work. I never know if being alone is a good thing or a bad thing until I hear his voice. And this time let him be alone with his thoughts, and what health choices he was going to make. This doctor had concerns that one of his medications could be causing his liver to be working too hard. My husband doesn't want to end the medication they are worried about because he knows how much it helps his mental health. He knows what life was like without the medication and what it's like with the medication and doesn't want to go off.

I didn't feel helpless, but more useless in this situation. I've had the thought more than once that he should go off the mental health meds and just see what it's like to only have his thyroid meds in his system. I think his thyroid cause more of his issues and he doesn't know what side affects are from what medication. That's another story. But I fee like if I get what I want by default I win but at what cost if he isn't ready for the idea? That's an answer I don't want to find out.

So when all was said and done and my husband tucked into bed at 6:30 I took the kids to the high school to see the school play even if I don't like the ending. I spent money to watch something I don't love to get out of the house and escape into someone else's problems.  

Act I was fun. We saw the neighbor kids and the older siblings from our football team and told the kids we might leave at intermission because I don't like Act II that much. During intermission I ran into and old boyfriend.

What timing! I haven't seen this guy in 15 years and owed him an apology
and I'd been reminded all day that I wasn't living my happily every after and I see someone I loved with all my heart. Talk about irony.  I don't regret the life I chose, but he was whole-healthy. Something I haven't had for years now.

Mr. X was living some of his dreams. I was sad that he doesn't have any kids of his own. He even accepted my apology and said that he hadn't held that against me.  My kids didn't even embarrass me.
I cried though the second act and felt prepared to face life. Even if my life wasn't perfect I had good things to go home to. And coming home felt good.

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