Monday, May 25, 2015

Memorial Day 2014

Memorial Day is a day that we as citizens have the privilege to say thank you to all the Service Men and Women that made and make great sacrifices for our current way of life. Today I'd like to say thank you to their families too.

Thank you to all the partners who have been woke up in the middle of the night from PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder) nightmares. Those are scary for both of you. Thank you that I may sleep at peace in my own bed knowing that I will be safe.

Thank you to all the kids that blew kisses to parents at the airport not knowing how long it would be before you could hug, or kiss your mom or dad again.

Thank you to every parent that taught their kid to stand up for what they believe, and then having the faith to let your child go and protect others.

Thank you to every Leader who stayed behind so that the team was out first.

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