Friday, May 1, 2015

Attending Church Alone


Since before this battle started my husband quit attending church. He never said that I couldn't attend church, or that the kids couldn't attend church. He's attendance started drying up like a riverbank in the summer.

I sincerely believe in the atonement and shared that testimony on Sunday. After church a ward member approached me and said she knew she could tell me something because I would understand hard things. I've known this sister for about ten years. We've traded being visiting teachers to each other and I served with her in Cub Scouts. My point is I've loved this sister in different ways for several years.  

She said, "My husband has been battling pornography for the twenty years we have been married. The hard part of this, is his trial is confidential. I can't tell people to get the support that I need. I feel like I'm betraying him when the Home Teachers asks if we need a blessing. Because my husband struggles being worthy to provide those spiritual things in our home."

I didn't see that coming. 

At least with my husband not attending church, people don't question why I need Priesthood holders to come to my house at odd times.  

I never thought of my husband staying at home a blessing.

Now the real challenge is to make sure this sister above knows I love her just the way she is.  I just learned I'm her new visiting teacher.  I need to bring love, and compassion to her without judgement adding to her burden.

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