Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Mirror Mirror

Mirror Mirror on the wall 

I believe one way depression starts is when we hear something negative and believe it. I've heard people say that for every one negative it takes three positives to cancel out the negative.

This idea can be daunting.

Because as the person that loves the family member that is depressed we have no comprehension of how many times they have told themselves that "negative thought" over and over. We also do not know what damage this thought did to other healthy thoughts.

One way we try to combat this issue is with a mirror. After we have read our scriptures for the morning my daughter gets the "Magic Mirror." We pass the mirror around and each person says something positive about themselves to the mirror.  Sometimes this goes better than others.

Here are some examples of things that have been said:

"I'm good enough"
"I can do this."
"I'm smart and I can solve my own problems."
"I'm cute."
"Every quarterback get's picked."
"Sometimes we loose the game, but I'm not a looser."
"Not every problem needs to be solved."
"I do not need (insert a name) approval to be a good (basketball player, student, family member)."

My husband has a broken relationship with God. I'm hoping in the next few months to add some lines that say, "I'm a child of God and He loves me."

As a Latter Day Saint, I have been blessed to say the Young Women theme over and over again. The first few lines reminds me that I have a Father in Heaven that loves me, and hope to spread that knowledge and His love to all my family.

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