Friday, March 31, 2017

The Attorney's office

We made the decision to share an attorney. Usually when you write about stuff like this there is a something profound you learned, or some pivotal drama, or internal conflict.  Nothing.

We went in sat down at the desk, spent ten minutes and gave him $1500 dollars in cash. He gave us both our own individual folders we shock hands. The attorney told us we needed to take a child class and that our state law required 90 days before the divorce could be finalized. Neither of us were very emotional. But I was relieved walking out the door a decision was made and agreed upon.

The drama came with the Credit Union told us we couldn't file with the court or they would not fund my husband's loan, because that was considered a lawsuit. So now another 45 days before we can file with the court and 90 days for the court to give us their blessing that we are not a couple anymore.

Being married is one of the neatest things I've ever done. Now it's in the hands of a judge.

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