Tuesday, June 7, 2016

ECT Treatment, or Electroshock Treatment

ECT Treatment, or Electroshock Treatment

My husband spent 10 days in the hospital last year. While in the hospital for a few health reasons one of his issues involved major depression.

Before his stay in the hospital he tried several antidepressant medications. All of them worked for a while, and brought him some relief. But he reached a point when the depression medications no longer worked.

During his hospital stay a treatment he hadn’t tried before was offered to him, ECT. The Doctor called the treatment by the initials until a full explanation of the treatment was given. ECT stands for Electroshock Treatment. This is often considered a last resort, but has powerful changes in people’s lives. The treatment consists of several small induced seizures, given under anesthesia. We had to watch a documentary and a video showing the treatment as it is currently preformed today.
People usually have a bad impression of this treatment because of the movie One Flew Over the Coo Coo’s Nest.  The side effects are possible memory loss, and issues with the anesthesia.

 ECT is not as scary as the movies made it out to be. My husband has done more that 20 of these and I'm thankful they are an option as part of his treatment. 

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