Monday, October 5, 2015

The Summer of Harry Potter

The past nine weeks have revolved around Harry Potter. We read four books, and listened to the stories on CD and then enjoyed the movies. 

The kids won't remember this summer as the summer mom worked and went to school full time. The kids won't remember the days that dad couldn't go to work. They will remember this summer as the summer of Harry Potter.

The thrill of being caught up in a good book. The hope that good conquers evil. A hope that I still have for our home.  

Harry helped us have great conversations about choosing good friends. We talked about what happens when are afraid, and what to do if someone picks on you, and how to look out for each other.

Halloween is near. Both kids are going to dress up as characters from the books. Thank you to the Halloween stores that carry kid costumes because I don't have time to sew this year.  

Like Harry the feel like they can do anything because they were loved.

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