Wednesday, June 10, 2015

39 and Holding......Not Us

June 2014

Exactly one year ago my husband spent 10 days in the hospital. He was there for a variety of reasons, both physical health related and mental health related.  During that hospital stay my husband turned 39. His recovery is a long process and we are still on the recovery path.

Birthdays have always been a big deal around our house, and we wanted to make this birthday special because we were limited on our celebrating last year. (Due to his health and meds we couldn't even have cake last year that's how bad it was.)

The kids and I decided to decorate our home with a Superman Theme. I'm walking through the store picking up plates, tablecloths and that kind of things and there were balloons and buttons that said, "39 and Holding".

I thought 39 is over 40 has to be better.

When I told this to my husband about this though we laughed. He agreed 39 was over. It's time to look to the future.

Sometimes all you need is a fresh start and 40 is ours.

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